READ ALL OF THESE RULES - Every part of this is important!
If a target in the system is dorked or taken down, please do adequate testing before reaching out, we will restore it as fast as possible but it may cost you valuable playing time.
The first team to complete all challenges listed on the CTF scoreboard will win.
If no team completes all the challenges within the allotted time, then points will be used to determine the winner. If more than one team at the end of the CTF are tied in point value, submission times of flags by team will be used to determine which team was first to the high score.
Do not discuss the CTF challenges solutions or flags with other teams. Flag sharing will lead to immediate disqualification.
Do not share the challenge solutions before the event has ended.
Do not fuzz or portscan
CTF challenge hosts will have specified port(s) on the challenge descriptions. Refrain from scanning ports or fuzzing directories for any and all challenges.
Do not ask for hints.
Hints will not be provided. Do not spam admins for hints.
Not In Scope // Off Limits // Do Not Attack :
CTF Scoreboard
Attacking other players infrastructure
Attacking any network other than what is provided in the challenge descriptions